Danse Suisse Space

Niki Anjes Stalder

Niki Anjes

Niki Anjes Stalder trained in Switzerland and France and completed her dance studies at the HF ZUB in Zurich. She attended international workshops for contemporary dance, improvisation and krump and completed internships with Thierry Verger, Circus Monti and Scottish Dance Theater. She's one of the co-founder of the Merge Dance Collective and has danced for various freelance dance companies, including Marcel Leemann, Joshua Monten Dance Company, Compagnie O., Hermes Dance and Kollektiv F and more in Switzerland and abroad. She choreographs for various dance and theater productions and teaches at various folk and dance schools.
In 2023 she has been selected to be part of the DoubleTanz platform 2023 and she was delighted to work closley together with the mentor Giancarlo Marinucci.

She is currently focusing on the work with the greywax dance company and her own work. Enthusiastic about the Krump dance style, she is part of the Krump Fam Infinite and travels with them to various national and international events and battles. She performed her short piece “Le Temps Qui Court” together with Krump dancer Florian Nsingi at various festivals in Switzerland and at the Frei Art Festival in Freiburg im Breisgau. In February 2024, she has premiered her own production, the Krump piece “Comfortable Me”, at the Schlachthaus Theater Bern and has been touring with the piece ever since. Check it out!
